I am rabid, therefore, I bite.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Everything changes but you

I returned to Singapore to find out so many things at work had changed.

My job scope had changed.
My supervisor had changed.
I had new colleagues.

I looked at my surroundings, the people around me, my nearest and dearest, and they also seemed different.

I'm disorientated. I feel as if I don't fit in anymore.

Maybe it's time for a change.

Ironic, ain't it, that change is what has caused my present state of confusion. And that change is what I have chosen as a cure.


Blogger Teilexu said...

Your chubbiness will never change.....

1:57 PM

Blogger Sheylara said...

Silly woman! Pretend it's a new job lor. Isn't that what you wanted? :P

11:31 PM

Blogger elyxia said...

teilexu: bleah, and your smelly sai will never change :p

sheylara: it's hard to pretend when the users are still the same, my desk is still the same, the workplace is still the same and the pay is still the same. Hehe :P

6:46 PM


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